Monday, July 6, 2009

Baby and Anniversary

Well, we have two newsworthy items to report today. The first, and most exciting, is that we had another ultra sound today. The doctor checked everything and said that it all looks great. He also said that the placenta has attached to the very front of my belly and that my baby is trapped behind it for the time being. We didn't get very good ultrashound shots but here is a video for your enjoyment. I am 24 weeks along now and getting more and more excited with every passing day. I have stared working on the nursery, but am not getting as much done as I would like because I am still going to school for six hours a day. However, I will be done in three weeks and then I can completely focus on baby stuff--I can't wait.

We also celebrated our 5th anniversary this past week. I can't believe that it has been five years since we got married. Here are some of the major events in our lives over the past five years and some pictures of our wonderful wedding day!
  • Two bachelor degrees
  • Two trips to Mexico
  • One trip to Florida
  • Two master degrees (in progress)
  • One baby boy (on the way)
  • One bank job
  • Two teaching jobs
  • One house bought
  • Another car purchased
  • Hundreds of dates
  • A couple of fights
  • Multiple church callings

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Boy or Girl?

You will have to see for yourselves. The ultrasound was one of the best experiences of our lives and the doctor said that everything looks great!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Big News!

Well, I guess since it was published in the school paper today that it is finally time for us to go public with our big news. The rumors are true, we are expecting our first child. I am currently about 16 weeks and due the end of October. The first three months were pure heck--I lost ten pounds from throwing up all the time. Things are getting better though and now the vomit attacks are few and far between. We don't know what we are having yet, but plan on finding out in a few weeks. I am sure that it is a girl, but Tate really wants a boy. I guess we will find out soon enough. We are very happy and excited for this new blessing and challenge. I am not big on prego pictures so this will probably be one of just a few. You can see my belly starting to poke out.

Other than that our lives are pretty much the same old stuff. We are still going to school. I finished up my Masters thesis and it is so nice to have it out of the way. Now I just have to go back and take a few summer classes. Tate will have his Masters in another year. We will see where life takes us after that!!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


I found this on a friend's blog and thought that it sounded fun. I don't know that three people even read my blog, but here is to wishful thinking.

So here's how it works:The first 3 people to leave a comment on this post will receive a gift from me during this year. When and what will be a surprise. There's a small catch though...Post this same thing on your own blog and then come back and leave a comment telling me you're in. Fun, huh? Remember, only the first 3 comments receive the gift!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Christmas, New Years and Everything Else!!

As always this post is a little late but better that than never I suppose. Anyway, we had a wonderful Christmas. Tate and I were both very spoiled this year and got much more than we deserved. I got some shoes, clothes, cd's, pajamas, movies, books, and some blankets. Of course I loved it all because I picked it out myself. We don't really get into the wrapping of the presents. We actually went shopping on black Friday and each picked out our own gifts. We spent Christmas morning with my family and opened presents and had a delicious breakfast cooked by Derek of all people. Actually he has turned into quite the chef.

The highllight of the holiday season was New Year's Eve. A tradition that we have in my family is a cookie baking contest. Last year I won the contest with some delicious pumpkin chocolate chip cookies. This year I decided to go with some thin mints. And guess what?!?! I won again. Never in the history of this contest has anybody won two years in a row. I guess I am just awesome. As you can see from the pictures, my delicious cookies made a few people jealous!!

Now the holidays are over and we are working and going to school again. I was a little sad to have to go back to work after such a wonderful holiday break, but then my lovely husband surprised me with some excellent news. He told me that we can start planning our next vacation. He said that I can choose anywhere to go for a couple weeks after school gets out. I am thinking Europe or Australia. What do you think?