Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Sawyer turns 1!!!

Last Tuesday Sawyer turned one. It was one of those bitter-sweet moments that life often brings. As cliche as it sounds, he is growing up way too fast. We had planned to have a party last Saturday but it got put on hold because Tate's wonderful grandma passed away. I promise to post some pictures as soon as we can reschedule the party. Here are some other pics and his one year stats for your pleasure!
Height: 31" (70th percentile)
Weight: 20 lbs. (10th percentile)
Says about fifty words
Walks like a pro
Refuses to eat baby food but still wants the bottle
Sleeps 9-11 hours a night
Loves playing outside
Is a total daddy's boy

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Almost a year!

So I realize that I have not been very good at updating the blog and now that we are back in school it will probably get worse. However, I figured that I would give everyone a quick update on everything. We started teaching again about a month ago. I have really been enjoying this year as my classes are a lot smaller than they have been in the past. This year I am teaching Algebra and Spanish. I finished my masters this summer and have been enjoying not going to school although I am sure that eventually I will go back to work on a doctorate. Tate will finish his masters in bilingual education this fall and he is also working on his ed. spec. degree in administration. He is very busy but enjoys every minute of it. Sawyer is almost a year and we cannot believe how fast he is growing up. He has been walking for several weeks now which is both scary and exciting for Tate and me. Here are his 11 month stats and some pictures for your enjoyment.

11 Month Stats
Height: 30 inches (80th percentile)
Weight: 18 pounds (7th percentile)
Words that he says: mama, dada, nana, baba (bottle), uh oh, no, tickle, dog, duck, clap, din din (food)
Animal sounds that he makes: cat, dog, duck, pig, dinosaur, sheep, horse, cow
Walks all over the place
Has finally started sleeping through the night (thank goodnes!!)
Has eight teeth with two more on the way and likes to bite people
Loves reading books
Loves playing outside
Absolutely loves riding four wheelers

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Six Months Already?!?!?!

Recently Sawyer turned six months old. We can't believe how quickly he is growing up. He is changing and definately getting cuter every day. Here are his stats and some pictures for your viewing pleasure.

Height: 28 inches (84th percentile)
Weight: 16.5 pounds (16th percentile)
Rolls all over the place in both directions
Army crawls
Says dadadadada, nanananana, babababab, and mamamamama
Smiles and laughs all of the time
Eats everything
Bites (he has four teeth already)
Loves nanas, strawberries, peaches, corn, applesauce, carrots, raspberries and green beans
Is the cutest baby in the world!!!

Monday, March 29, 2010


Everything here is going well. We have just been busy, busy, busy as usual. I just finished another one of my classes for my Masters degree. I only have one left to take in the summer and then I am done. Tate is finishing up with his Masters in the fall as well.

Sawyer is doing great. He is five months this week and I can't believe how fast he is growing. He has grown almost five inches since his two month check up and he went from the 21st percentile in height to the 78th. He rolled over for the first time (front to back) at three months and just last week he started rolling from his back to his front. He has also started to scoot on his belly like a caterpillar. We are anticipating the day that he will start crawling. We started him on solid foods last week as well and he is really enjoying them. We love this little boy so much.

I know I promised these in my last post so here they are!!!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Quick Update!

So I realize that I have failed to post in a long time, but with the holidays, school and a new baby I have just been way too busy. I am sure you all know that little Sawyer arrived in October--the 26th to be exact at 8:04 pm after fourteen hours of labor. He was six pounds eight ounces and has been a joy from the start. He really is a good-natured baby. He has been laughing and smiling since he was about a month old and he started sleeping through the night a couple weeks ago. We love him so much and are thankful for the joy that he brings into our lives.

The holidays were great this year. It is always nice to have the family together. We opened presents Christmas morning and then had a delicious breakfast cooked by the men in the family. We also had our annual cookie cook-off. I was sure that I was going to win for the third year in a row with my delicious somoa cookies but I was beaten by a non-Leavitt--no hard feelings Danna!! That same night the girls also rocked the boys world in the traditional trivial pursuit match. It was also nice to be able to relax and catch up on sleep as all of the aunts were fighting over who got to hold Sawyer:) Over new year's weekend we also had Sawyer's baby blessing. It was beautiful and again nice to see all of our family.

I had to return to work last week after a ten week break. It was extremely hard--especially to leave my baby. But grandma Leavitt is watching him so that makes it easier. I also start school again in a week. I have three more classes to get my Masters so I am beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I can't wait to be done and see where life takes us after that. Tate is busy also. He will finish his Masters in Bilingual Education this summer.

Well I had every intention of posting pictures when I started typing this post but now I am just too tired. Pictures to come soon I promise!!!