Monday, March 29, 2010


Everything here is going well. We have just been busy, busy, busy as usual. I just finished another one of my classes for my Masters degree. I only have one left to take in the summer and then I am done. Tate is finishing up with his Masters in the fall as well.

Sawyer is doing great. He is five months this week and I can't believe how fast he is growing. He has grown almost five inches since his two month check up and he went from the 21st percentile in height to the 78th. He rolled over for the first time (front to back) at three months and just last week he started rolling from his back to his front. He has also started to scoot on his belly like a caterpillar. We are anticipating the day that he will start crawling. We started him on solid foods last week as well and he is really enjoying them. We love this little boy so much.

I know I promised these in my last post so here they are!!!